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Pressure Biden (+ state leaders) to Stop Line 3

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

The fight isn’t over!

So Joe Biden declares October 11 Indigenous People's Day right after us learning this past Friday, October 1st, that the Line 3 pipeline was expected to start flowing tar sands despite the loud voices of the people raised against the impact to our environment and to indigenous rights. This is what the politicians—who claim to represent the people but really represent their corporate donors—actually do. They pander to the people with empty promises and performative acts to avoid our displeaure or garner our temporary support while simultaneously going against the will of the people and being lackeys at the service of the donor class. Don't let them get away with this.

Contact Joe Biden & State Leaders

Ask the president to revoke the permits and order the Army Corps of Engineers to prepare the federal Environmental Impact Statement for Line 3 they refused to prepare under Trump. Demand from your state leaders that they pressure POTUS to act on climate and honor the treaties.

Contact Info

President Joe Biden Phone: 202-456-1111 Email: Twitter:

MN Governor Tim Walz

Phone: 800-657-3717 Email: Twitter:

Senator Amy Klobuchar

Senator Tina Smith

Attorney General Keith Ellison

Phone: 800-657-3787 Online Contact: Twitter:

Sample Tweets You Can Cut & Paste

Do your job, @POTUS! Order the Army Corps of Engineers to prepare the federal Environmental Impact Statement for Line 3 they refused to prepare under Trump. It’s good you revoked Keystone XL, now it's time to #StopLine3!

@POTUS: order the Army Corps of Engineers to prepare the federal Environmental Impact Statement that #Trump ignored. Line 3 is a threat to our climate & water + violates Indigenous treaty rights. #StopLine3 #WaterIsLife #ClimateJusticeNOW #ActOnClimate #MniWiconi #BidenStopLine3 @POTUS: revoke the permits for Line 3. They were issued w/out proper review by the Trump Administration. The Army Corps of Engineers refused to prepare a federal Environmental Impact Statement. Order it now! #StopLine3!

#WaterIsLife #ClimateJusticeNOW #ActOnClimate #MniWiconi @POTUS do your job! Order the Army Corps of Engineers to assess the environmental impact of Line 3 that #Trump completely ignored. You mainly ran on NOT being him, so it's the least you could do.

Meme of the day (that you may tweet as well)

Past memes—and yeah, you can grab these too :)

Write to Joe Biden

You may find a form and sample letter here


Line 3 will more than double Minnesota's greenhouse gas emissions output with a climate impact equivalent to 50 coal-fired power plants. At any time Biden can order the Army Corps of Engineers to conduct a full environmental review, including an Environmental Impact Statement that takes into account treaty rights and climate.

We must remind him of the promises he made to get himself elected, as well as pressure Minnesota's statewide leaders like Governor Walz, Senators Smith, Klobuchar and others, to call on Biden to order the same review that the Trump administration skipped.

Graphic Campaign



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