Every year in late September, Governor Walz announces climate week in Minnesota. Every year, he delivers more shameless hypocrisy and lies, copying and pasting the same declaration from the previous year. Walz says that it is important to invest in clean energy, that the most affected people and areas are the disproportionately poor and people of color, and that innovative solutions must center the people and communities most affected by the continuing policies of environmental racism and injustice.
This year’s proclamation had one change: a recognition that we don’t have any time left. The 2021 addition says the following:
Average temperatures in Minnesota have increased by nearly 3° F since 1895, and communities across the state are experiencing changing ecosystems, more extreme storms, and increased flooding and precipitation
Walz knows what he is doing. He is issuing empty words and promises while using the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Minnesota State Police to protect the construction of Line 3. This only helps the profits of fossil fuel corporations like Enbridge. It doesn’t help people.
What has Walz done to help the environment? Absolutely nothing. He went back on his campaign promises to stop the Line 3 oil pipeline and has turned into a vocal advocate for it. When he was confronted by voters about Line 3 a couple weeks ago in Alexandria, he ended his speech and ran away instead of talking about the issues. Walz can still stop the Line 3 oil pipeline from pumping oil, yet he prioritizes the profits of a Canadian fossil fuel corporation over the treaty rights of Indigenous nations and the health and safety of all of us in Minnesota.
Governor Walz has said nothing about supporting initiatives like the East Phillips Urban Farm that would put the community in control of food, jobs, land use, and education. The East Phillips Urban Farm project is a model for what it means to center people and communities, by repurposing a vacant building with a thriving center of community and health.
Walz offers us nothing but empty words. We need to fight for real change, because as Walz said on September 20th, the effects of the climate catastrophe are only getting worse.
Past Statements
2019 statement
2020 statement
removed from the governor’s website